Nectar Solutions
Cation & Anion Reactor DM Plants

Cation & Anion Reactor DM Plants

Activated carbon has been historically used for removal of oduor, removal of colour pigments from water. Further, our expertise lies in making available both Domestic and Industrial models of Activated Caron Filter, it also used as per treatment system in RO plant (ROP) and post treatment system in Waste water treatment plants (STP & ETP). Activated Carbon filters offered by us are used for eliminating bad taste, odor as well as chlorine residue in water. This excellent filter media has carbon granules of high iodine value that helps contaminants to get adsorbed to surfaces of carbon particles.

Cation & Anion Bed Reactor

The RO plant output water is passed through the cation bed and followed by the Anion bed for the demineralization. Demineralization or deionization is the process of removing dissolved salts from water by Domestic RO Plant using Ion Exchange Resin. Basically Ion exchange demineralization is a two step process with both Cation and Anion resin. The raw water called influent water is first passed through the Cation resin bed containing SAC Resin in H + form. Ca , Mg & Na are removed and the salts are converted to their respective acids .The corresponding acid containing anions like Cl , SO4 , NO3 are removed by passing the cation effluent through Anion column containing Anion resin in Hydroxyl Form. The hydrogen ion from cation neutralizes the hydroxyl ion and produces pure water. Ion exchange is an equilibrium reaction which is reversible. In the hydrogen cation Resin, Cations like Ca, Mg are exchanged for H ions.


DM plant resin media will get exhausted and some period the resin will not be able to exchange the ions any more. The Resin has to be brought back to its original form. This is done by the regenerating the cation resin with strong acid and the process of restoring the resin back to its original condition is called Regeneration. Similarly the Anion resin is restored back after exhaustion by regenerating it with Alkali.

Models Availability

Demineraliser plants comes with Mild Steel /SS / FRP Pressure Vessel, Frontal piping wok with manual / Automatic multi port valve butterfly valve / conventional valves for easy operation and control. Available from 50 Liters/hr. to 1,00,000 liters/day plant models.


Applications Industry

Applications Industry

Nectar Solutions

NECTAR SOLUTIONS, an ISO 9001 : 2015 certified, technology and customer service oriented premier water & waste water treatment Company, where “Trust is a Tradition”. Expertise in the industry for the past 16 years, the company is powered and backed by professionals with rich experience and expertise in the water & waste water treatment and allied fields.

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