Nectar Solutions
Demineralisation Plant

Demineralisation Plant

Demineralisation is the Process of removing the mineral salts from water by ion-exchange. Impurities that remains dissolved in water dissociate to form positive and negative charged particles known as ions. These impurities or compounds are called electrolytes. Generally, all natural water has electrolytes in varying concentrations. An ion-exchange vessel holds ion-exchange resin of the required type through which water is allowed to pass. The selective ions in the water are exchanged with ions or radicals loosely held by the resin. In this way, the water is passed through several vessels or a mixed bed vessel so that both positive and negative ions are removed and water is demineralised.


DM plant resin media will get exhausted and some period the resin will not be able to exchange the ions any more. The Resin has to be brought back to its original form. This is done by the regenerating with strong acid & Alkali for restoring the resin back to its original condition, it is called Regeneration.

Demineralisation Plant Comprises Of

Models Availability

Demineraliser plants comes with Mild Steel /SS / FRP Pressure Vessel, Frontal piping wok with manual / Automatic multi port valve butterfly valve / conventional valves for easy operation and control. Available from 50 Liters/hr. to 1,00,000 liters/day plant models.

Applications Industry

Applications Industry

Nectar Solutions

NECTAR SOLUTIONS, an ISO 9001 : 2015 certified, technology and customer service oriented premier water & waste water treatment Company, where “Trust is a Tradition”. Expertise in the industry for the past 16 years, the company is powered and backed by professionals with rich experience and expertise in the water & waste water treatment and allied fields.

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