Nectar Solutions
Pressure Sand Filters

Pressure Sand Filters

We produce wide range of standardized and custom built filtration system to remove suspended solids from water. Pressure sand filter are used as per treatment system in RO plant (ROP) and post treatment system in Waster water treatment plants (STP & ETP).

Pressure Sand Filter Process

Raw water is passed through the pressure sand filter, the filter media is supported on gravel bed that consists of multiple layers of Graded quartz sand, Fine sand, Super fine white sand and pebbles of progressively larger sizes. During the filtration cycle the filter bed retains the dirt and suspended particles from the water and accumulates within the filter the water and accumulates within the filter bed. As the filtration progress the filter media gets loaded with retained suspended particles, this results in a continuous increase of pressure drop across the filter, when a predetermined pressure drop level is achieved the filter is shut down for cleaning.
Pressure Sand Filters in Chennai

Back Wash

As the filtration progress the filter media gets loaded with the retained suspended particles, this results in a continuous increase of pressure drop across the filter, when a predetermined pressure drop level is achieved the filter is shut down for cleaning. The filter media is cleaned by backwash system. After backwashing the filter is rinsed with raw water and after the required quality of water is achieved the filter is put back into service. Depending on the filtered water quality required backwashing is either done with raw water or with filtered water.

Product Model Availability

Our Pressure sand filter plants are comprises of Mild Steel /SS / FRP Pressure Vessel, Frontal piping wok with manual / Automatic multi port valve butterfly valve / conventional valves for easy operation and control. Available from 1,000 Liters/hr. to 10,00,000 Liters/day.


Nectar Solutions

NECTAR SOLUTIONS, an ISO 9001 : 2015 certified, technology and customer service oriented premier water & waste water treatment Company, where “Trust is a Tradition”. Expertise in the industry for the past 16 years, the company is powered and backed by professionals with rich experience and expertise in the water & waste water treatment and allied fields.

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