Softening is the ion exchange process, it is done through resin, the most common and probably the easiest method of removing hardness (that is calcium and magnesium) from water and suitable for utility purpose. As the name implies ion exchange is a process in which undesirable ions are exchanged for more desirable ions. The softening process consists of passing raw water containing hardness through a bed of cation resin in sodium form. The hardness ions Ca & Mg are taken up by resin and in exchange, the sodium ions are relinquished from the resin. This is called the service cycle, where the hard water is being softened.
Raw water will continue to get softened till the resin gets exhausted. Bringing back the resin to it original form is called regeneration. Softener resin is regenerated by sodium chloride- Nacl (Common salt) solution. The common salt solution is kept in the regeneration tank. During the regeneration process, salt solution is injected by the ejector tube into softener. The Nacl (salt solution) replaces ca, Mg (Hardness) from the resin, the regeneration is done every day or every few days or every week depending upon the usage and design of the water softener plant.
Our NATSOFT water softener plants are comprises of Mild Steel /SS / FRP Pressure Vessel, regeneration tank, ejector assembly, frontal piping wok with manual / Automatic multi port valve butterfly valve / conventional valves for easy operation and control. Available from 1,000 Liters/hr. to 10,00,000 Liters / day.