We are one of the leading water treatment companies in India, providing water and waste water refinement products. We encourage candidates who are competent to be part of our sales, service, R&D and administration team. We impart excellent in house and field training and given liberty to perform with their uniqueness. All employees are responsible, committed for meeting and exceeding customers’ expectations through team work.
Nectar is happy to know your keen interest to pursue a career opportunity with us. We persist to keep up a progressive people environment, where purpose driven talent is attracted and engaged. Nectar goal is to motivate all employees to have integral role in building their career. You can submit your resume, as we evaluate your profile, we shall get in touch with you.
NECTAR SOLUTIONS, an ISO 9001 : 2015 certified, technology and customer service oriented premier water & waste water treatment Company, where “Trust is a Tradition”. Expertise in the industry for the past 16 years, the company is powered and backed by professionals with rich experience and expertise in the water & waste water treatment and allied fields.